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Libikor Partnership

Foreign companies

For foreign companies that intend to import Italian products we offer:

  • Support in identifying reliable, certified suppliers, and to select them according to the needs of the various customers.
  • Assistance during the global import operation: from the order confirmation to the departure of the goods, until arrival at the established place.
  • Sharing and evaluation of specific parameters, such as the range of costs of a product, the existence of documentation necessary for import in compliance with customs, health and safety standards, specific conditions in the reference market.

For Italian companies

For Italian companies that want to export their products abroad we offer:

  • Consulting service, sharing the work with the figures and the company teams.
  • Definition of objectives and activities to be carried out taking into account the risks and opportunities of internationalisation.
  • Evaluation and definition of the commercial offer for the market in which you want to operate and acquisition of contacts with potential buyers.

The partnership agreement

The partnership agreement clearly defines all the issues related to import/export:

choice of suppliers

terms of payment

Risk containment


Process efficency

Speed of execution and other requirements

Libikor Guarantee

Trust and seriousness

Constant assistance and
quaified advice.

Transparency and fairness
in negotiations

Achieve your objectives and position yourself in the foreign market
with simplicity and practicality.